Marvin Blevins

Marvin Blevins
Applying Spray Foam to Friday Oil Shell Station

Friday, December 10, 2010

TPO, Duro-Last (PVC), EPDM Product Burn Comparison

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Spray Foam Applications are great for Historical Buildings

Spray foam is a perfect fit for Historical Buildings for several reasons. Most roofs on old buildings get weak as the roof gets older. The more you patch it the heavier the roof becomes and over time the structure starts breaking down. Spray Foam when applied to a weak roof adds strength and is very light weight and only adds 8 oz every sq ft compared to tar and gravel which can add 3 or 4 pounds per sq ft. Many old building have poor insulation which cause utility bills to sky rocket, Spray Foam Roofs add a R-6 Insulation Value per inch to your building and and in return it lowers your utility bill. GO GREEN, GO FOAM!

Friday, November 12, 2010

What is Spray Polyurathane Foam & Coating system?

What is Spray Polyurathane Foam & Coating system?
The system provides high grade insulation on both roofing and interior wall applications to seal your entire building envelope from the elements. Both interior wall and roofing foam applications effectively control the air infiltration, add strength to your building and save you money.With an insulating value of R-6 per inch,no seams to leak and no fastners, foam systems deliver exceptional energy efficiency throughout the year. On roofing applications, combine these benifits with the proven protection of Conklins ENERGY STAR rated coatings and you have a system designed to stand the test of time.